Advancement of Variable Hierarchical Potential

Cole Prime - Your Song (Ellie Goulding/Elton John Sing-Along Vocal Cover) Draft 1
Original Cover:
Ellie Goulding - Your Song LIVE HD (2012) Hollywood Troubadour
1 track, recorded live [2018.11.17, 4 minutes]. Not bad for someone who has developed a solution to their own undiagnosed #Synkinesis. Fun.
You see, I've been working on "Prototype 3" of #Synkinesis #NonZombieMode... though I wasn't originally planning on recording while simply doing some physical therapy using singing... I dedicate my continued devotion to my little girl and her sisters, just as the entire time I've known all of them ... as well as anyone else like them, whose future success may very well rely on my own. #AlwaysLove.
Come see what I'm doing!
- 2018-11-17 11:48pm, first draft published
Cole Prime - Truth Is A Beautiful Thing (London Grammar Vocal-Only Cover) Draft 1
London Grammar - Truth Is a Beautiful Thing
10 live tracks, 1 partial track, recorded live [2018.04.11, 5 hours]. Not bad for someone who has developed a solution to their own undiagnosed #Synkinesis. Fun.
Come see what I'm doing!
- 2018-04-11 7:51pm, first draft published
Cole Prime - Deep As You Go (October Project Vocal-Only Cover) Draft 1
October Project - Deep As You Go
10 live tracks. Not bad for someone who has developed a solution to their own undiagnosed #Synkinesis. Fun.
Come see what I'm doing!
- 2018-01-02 11:13pm, first draft published
Cole Prime - ...Ready For It? (Taylor Swift Vocal-Only Cover) Draft 1
Taylor Swift - …Ready For It?
16 live tracks, 2 partial tracks. Not bad for someone who has developed a solution to their own undiagnosed #Synkinesis. Fun.
Come see what I'm doing!
- 2017-11-11 8:00pm, first draft published
Black and Gold (Ellie Goulding's 2009 Sam Sparro Vocal-Only Cover) Draft 1
Original Cover:
Ellie Goulding - Black & Gold
Sam Sparro - Black and Gold
11 live tracks, 7 partial tracks. Not bad for someone who has developed a solution to their own undiagnosed #Synkinesis. Fun.
Come see what I'm doing!
- 2017-09-18 8:19pm, first draft published
Look What You Made Me Do (Taylor Swift Vocal-Only Cover) Draft 1
Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do
8 live tracks. Not bad for someone who has developed a solution to their own undiagnosed #Synkinesis. Fun.
Come see what I'm doing!
- 2017-08-29 3:34am, first draft published
Echoes In Rain (Enya Vocal-only Cover) Draft 2
Enya - Echoes In Rain (Official Video)
27* live tracks. Not bad for someone who has developed a solution to their own undiagnosed #Synkinesis. Fun.
* - Apparently one of the bassists was shy (forgot to hit record on the video). Also it sounds like the audio tracks aren't completely lined up, oh well... Hope you get the idea.
Come see what I'm doing!
- 2017-08-25 7:06am, first draft published
Cole Prime - Oh Woman Oh Man (Vocal-Only London Grammar Cover)
London Grammar - Oh Woman On Man
17 live tracks. Not bad for someone who has developed a solution to their own undiagnosed #Synkinesis. Fun.
Come see what I'm doing!
- 2017-08-14 9:08am, first draft published
Cole Prime - In The End (Vocal-Only Linkin Park Cover) Draft 1
In The End (Official Video) - Linkin Park
10 audio tracks, 7 with video, recorded live [2017.07.23 13:30-16:00]
In memory of Chester Bennington (March 20, 1976 – July 20, 2017).
Come see what I'm doing!
- 2017-07-23 7:49am, first draft published
Cole Prime - Outside (Vocal-Only Ellie Goulding Cover) Draft 1.1
Calvin Harris - Outside ft. Ellie Goulding
Come see what I'm doing!
22 live tracks, completed in spare time across about 3 days!
- 2016-10-16 8:49am, first draft published
Cole Prime - Devotion (Vocal-Only Ellie Goulding Cover) Draft 1.1
Ellie Goulding - Devotion (Official Audio)
Come see what I'm doing!
This Is Devotion my daughters, to my self,
and to anyone my discoveries can help.
This was 11 live tracks, and not a single scratch track! And the video is silly too, lol... Sorry about the missed notes... Also, this is a reuploaded version since Draft 1 was too quiet.
I love you KBL, always.
Here's my favorite part, haha...
- 2016-08-22 6:20pm, first draft published
Kubo - Regina Spektor - George Harrison While My Guitar Gently Weeps Session 1 Teaser
Regina Spektor - “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” - Official Video (From Kubo And The Two Strings)
Come see what I'm doing!
This was 6 live tracks, completed tonight in 2 hours, from beginning of recording to mixdown, the first track while on the phone, lol...
Hope you like it! Regina's cover of the song surprised me at the end of
the movie, so the dissonance inspired me enough to record it.
I very highly recommend the movie, the cinematography and stop-motion blending was incredible!
- 2016-08-19 23:50pm, first draft published
Cole Prime - Vocal-Only Teaser: Smooth Criminal (Michael Jackson), This Love (Taylor Swift)
"why did I laugh so hard" video
My dedication to the sound limitations of the Commodore 64: this is only three live tracks, lol...
I was screwing around after recording a new track on This Love (to be released soon!), after seeing this: this was made. Hope you get a laugh!
- 2016-08-08 18:58pm, first draft published
Cole Prime - Little Dreams (Vocal-Only Ellie Goulding Cover) Draft 1
Ellie Goulding - Little Dreams
18 live tracks, 1 supertrack, completed in about 1.5 days
- 2016-07-04 19:06pm, first draft published
Cole Prime - Here's To Us (Vocal-Only Ellie Goulding Cover) Draft 1
Ellie Goulding - Here's To Us
13 active tracks (all live!), completed in under a day! :)
Disclaimer: If you'd like to act as though what I say is nonsense, go right ahead and move on. Just be so kind as to let me know! You may as well have some honor in your exit, right? If this is the case for you: Some day, and obviously not today, you will be required to consider the obvious ...
... that creative ideas come from somewhere. Scientific and social enlightenment and advancement occur due to people being creative. Where do you think those people come from? ...and who are you to insist that I'm not one of those people, when I can now say that I am AND can prove it? ;)
Hope your days ahead are *grand*, either way.
I'll tell ya though ... it's not nearly as fun being a superhero alone as it would be in a squad. 💖💖
- 2016-04-06 11:11am, first draft published
- 2016-04-07 3:28pm, draft 1.1 published
Cole Prime - Light 'Em Up (Das Sound Machine Cover) Draft 1
Pitch Perfect 2 Das Sound Machine Final Performance HD
Vocal-Only Cover of Das Sound Machine "Light 'Em Up", from movie scene in Pitch Perfect 2
17 active tracks, completed in about 1.5 days
I was planning on doing multiple takes and picking the one I thought was better. After practicing some goofy fun, one-legged thing that was vaguely inspired by the original dance from the movie, when I went to finally record, my cat decided to join, plus I began forgetting some words and had to check the lyrics ... decided to call it good with the first recording, lol... Hope you like it! 💖
- 2016-03-01 11:11pm, first draft published
Cole Prime - Confident Conquistador (Demi Lovato, Jared Leto of 30 Seconds To Mars, Ellie Goulding)
Demi Lovato - Confident (Official Video)
Thirty Seconds To Mars - Conquistador (Lyric Video)
Mashup Vocal-Only Cover of Demi Lovato "Confident" and Thirty Seconds to Mars "Conquistador" (Draft 2)
23 active tracks, completed in about 2.5 days
- 2015-12-22 12:12am, first draft published
Sound of Silence: Disturbed, Alanis Morissette, Ellie Goulding, Taylor Swift; Confident: Demi Lovato
Disturbed - The Sound Of Silence [Official Music Video]
Demi Lovato - Confident (Official Video)
Sound of Silence (you know, that one time David Draiman of Disturbed, Alanis Morissette, Ellie Goulding, and Taylor Swift sang together as a test track, right?);
Confident (giving Demi Lovato a shot, wee!!!)
...cover sample (fun with voices!)
- 2015-12-11 11:57pm, first draft published
Management of Wild Things #MOWT Kickstarter Video
I'd very much appreciate if you would review, and hopefully mention my project in such a way that it can be properly handled? And it's SO MUCH MORE than just the software, too. Feel free to contact me through the fundraiser -- I'd love to do an interview!
Please allow me to explain or demonstrate for you about this software that's begging to exist, my #MusicalFitness and confidence building routines and methods I've developed (that saw me transform into 40 pounds lighter, and demonstrably as fit as a 22 year old), singing in various alternate voices (and vastly improved vocal control and a nearly five-octave range), lots of new discoveries explaining some mysteries of the multiverse, advanced balancing and grounding control (using your own body's frequency/vibration control of your physical energy), and more!
So, here's my current dream for the immediate future... Will you please help make it a reality? This way, I know a shortcut. ;)
Management of Wild Things is a social life-logging, work/home organizational app, that facilitates creative extended memory. As part of to-do lists, "plugins" (Dailies) allow you to "hack your life", personal and professional, with self-learning instruction. Also facilitates collaborative task completion and ongoing peer-review of creative projects. Has usefulness and applications in Artificial Intelligence, due to extrapolated metadata.
Out of my struggles comes potential benefits for all. A software development of this type wouldn't even need a very big budget, but if there *could* be a budget for it, I believe miracles will literally happen as a result of the existence of this social site. I wanted to do this all properly with a planned timeline, but instead was forced to start delayed and rushed, with an additional heap of life's odds intentionally stacked against me by a [...] person, so now I'm putting every iron in the fire, and it's *still* all for my three daughters.
We have reached an era of the brightest inconceivable enlightenment, reuniting us with our pandimensionality and conquering the evils of greed, selfishness, hate, &c ... and not only can I explain all of that in further detail, but I've lots written in the last year, for the first time, as an on-going selfless life experiment in self-motivation and brewing confidence, with fantastic describable and demonstrable "side-effects", that have also allowed me to piece together concepts for software to aid in facilitating this for the whole of humanity (that have internet access, but hopefully that won't be a limiting factor for too long).
Things really started taking off in my life when I began keeping better notes and journaling.
"Management Of Wild Things"...
- Makes my notes manipulable in the simplest ways, in order to turn established ideas into something able to be developed further.
- Retains thoughts and moments, making recall and reliving of the best of them much easier, particularly in combination with enhanced mental memory abilities that can be learned using the same method of note taking!
- Turns your ideas into advanced projects, just by expanding deeper into detail, where needed.
No large obstacle or problem has a "simple", one-off solution, but rather nearly always involves consecutive or even concurrent steps or actions.
Management Of Wild Things reins all of that in, keeping your notes and thoughts, your live actions and agenda, new ongoing learning capabilities, and social connection with others who are fulfilling their own creative ambitions (this *could* be *everyone*), in ONE easily searchable and accessible app.
I propose to offer all-in-one solutions to very real hindrances to success:
- How useful would it be to have actual reported data, revealing for you when your "free time" is, or can be made to exist?
- Can you imagine what you could accomplish if your days suddenly felt like they had more than 24 hours in them?
- Want to recall your "perfect responses" to a topic you feel strongly about? ...or continue a deep conversation thought to be lost to a time in the past?
- Do you have your own work or clients that you would like to have detailed reporting and organization of notes and worktime for?
- Do you have children who require a relaxed but scheduled way to supplement their knowledge and organization?
- Want to write a book? Can you filter a year's worth of notes and have it automatically compile into one place that you simply can edit and complete? What if you wanted to include others in your writing process, for review, suggestions, and more?
- How's your emotional and physical fitness? ...and when did you stop singing and dancing? Anyone ever tell you that you *couldn't*? Was that person your self? Is it possible to be wrong about something like that? With #MusicalFitness, I propose it is, heehee... and you have no idea what magic is missing from your life if you aren't, seriously. I'd LOVE to show you how!
- Need social assistance accomplishing something? Wouldn't it be nice to have the ability to ask for the help of others when you truly need it, for big or small things, and have an uncomplicated and safe way to receive the support of your peers, or beyond?
Ask me how! I'm ready for interviews!
Terribly sorry about the audio mistake in the video: "...feed our creativity [with] the most [in]convenient and efficient way" certainly was supposed to be as the text reads, ha! "...feed our creativity in the most convenient and efficient way". But hey, I was going for a solid single take, so I'm at least proud of my progress. :)
- 2015-12-02 2:42pm, first draft published
Cole Prime - Wildest Dreams (Vocal-only Taylor Swift Cover) Draft 1
Taylor Swift - Wildest Dreams
22 active tracks (about 10 scratch/practice tracks)
Recorded live [2015.11.10 22:30 - 23:50], [2015.11.12 12:43-14:19], [2015.11.13 11:15-14:53]
I hope you all like this one, I'm really happy with the results!
I wonder if anyone will notice that the video is playing half the speed it was recorded... ;)
- 2015-11-13 8:38pm, first draft published
Cole Prime - Don't Need Nobody (Vocal-only Ellie Goulding Cover) Draft 1.1
Ellie Goulding - Don't Need Nobody
19 active tracks (main vocal, combination of two tracks, is mostly the newest recording, but 9 small parts were repaired using the preceding recording; total 12 scratch/practice tracks)
Recorded live [2015.11.09 12:08 - 14:47, 18:34 - 20:51]
Audio volume increased 15dB over "Draft 1".
The point so far is I'm gonna teach some cool musical fitness stuff that seriously tunes your ability to hit notes, and vastly expands your octave range and rhythmic/frequency control abilities. I could sing "okay" a year ago, but this is WAYYY better than then. So if I can teach this stuff to people who have better voices than me to begin with, especially people who assert they "can't sing" -- how empowering is that, right?!? 😏🌌💖🍂🍁🌿🍃🌊🌈
...and it would help immensely for me to team up with artists like Enya and Moya Brennan, among others (Ellie Goulding sure, Alanis Morissette, Taylor Swift...), whomever is interested in what I'm working on, and it's gonna be REALLY COOL!
The video is from an earlier practice track when I was still figuring out the words, so there were a few oopses, ha. Hope you all like this one! I'm getting geared up to start crowdfunding my projects soon, so stay tuned to my channel and please subscribe!
- 2015-11-09 10:51pm, first draft published
- 2015-11-11 6:34pm, draft 1.1 published
Cole Prime - Animal (Vocal-only Ellie Goulding Cover) Draft 1
Ellie Goulding - Animal
Ellie Goulding - Animal - live at Eden Sessions 2014
17 tracks (only the bass track was converted into a looping supertrack to avoid muddiness; about 10 scratch/practice tracks)
Recorded live [2015.10.15 10:59 - 12:16, 22:12 - 23:33], [2015.10.18 18:27 - 19:36]
Let's say I unlocked some things with singing, over the last year, and I'm SO ready to teach how to do some amazing things here on my new channel, and this being my very SECOND ever publicly-released video! No editing, splicing, or looping was done on any of the tracks (except bass, and repeating the chorus grouping). I know there are note mistakes, but keep in mind I could NOT sing like this a year ago. Please be kind in the comments, and if you think you're interested in helping me through a fantastic adventure soon, stick around. :)
The video is a mix of a tablet-recorded video and an overlay done during the late night session.
- 2015-10-18 10:18pm, first draft published
Cole Prime - Echoes In Rain (Vocal-only Enya Cover) Draft 1
Enya - Echoes In Rain
30 tracks (25 audible, 3 unused for main vocal supertrack later, 2 scratch/practice tracks)
Recorded live [2015.10.13 12:33 - 15:18]
Let's say I unlocked some things with singing, over the last year, and I'm SO ready to teach how to do some amazing things here on my new channel, and this being my very first ever publicly-released video! No editing, splicing, or looping was done on any of the tracks. I know there are note mistakes, but keep in mind I could NOT sing like this a year ago. Please be kind in the comments, and if you think you're interested in helping me through a fantastic adventure soon, stick around. :)
The "clicky sounds" are from my necklaces and the bracelet my daughter made for me that I wear every day, ha, oops.
Enya has some *seriously* strong abs to sing the way she does, and it's quite a workout that I had no idea before I "figured out her voice" a few days ago. Also the facial expression to sing her style is really amusing. Admittedly there are a few parts of these tracks I would scrub because I accidentally loosened control and went raspy in my throat, and the "mmm" track sections are too quiet, but it *is* a first draft. I also went too much into my "Ellie Goulding" voice, and a couple times into "Taylor Swift". It's going to be interesting releasing covers of those, heehee...
Though all the audio is recorded today (fresh session #3), the video is from late-night session #2 after I had a much better handle on her vocal style. This final session was necessary because the last piece of the puzzle was the audio positioning that I finally realized how to replicate this morning while on the phone with my brother! 💖💖
- 2015-10-13 8:13pm, first draft published
We have reached an era of the brightest inconceivable enlightenment, reuniting us with our pandimensionality and conquering the evils of greed, selfishness, hate, &c...
... and not only can I explain all of that in further detail, but I've lots written in the last year, for the first time, as an on-going selfless life experiment in self-motivation and brewing confidence, with fantastic describable and demonstrable "side-effects", that have also allowed me to piece together concepts for software to aid in facilitating this for the whole of humanity (that have internet access, lol).
And due to his integrity, I want to share this personally with Elon Musk, and quite literally everyone he trusts. He's first on my contact list; it's public on my LinkedIn profile and my email domain.
What if we ALL open sourced our successes at the same time? What then, I ask of Mr. Iron Man? 😏🌌💖🍂🍁🌿🍃
- 2015-08-26 1:37pm, first draft published
Alanis Morissette - 8 Easy Steps
How to stay paralyzed by fear of abandonment
How to defer to men in solveable predicaments
How to control someone to be a carbon copy of you
How to have that not work and have them run away from you
How to keep people at arms length and never get too close
How to mistrust the ones you supposedly love the most
How to pretend you're fine and don't need help from anyone
How to feel worthless unless you're serving or helping someone
I'll teach you all this in 8 easy steps
A course of a lifetime you'll never forget
I'll show you how to in 8 easy steps
I'll show you how leadership looks when taught by the best
How to hate women when you're supposed to be a feminist
How to play all pious when you're really a hypocrite
How to hate god when you're a prayer and a spiritualist
How to sabotage your fantasies by fears of success
I've been doing research for years
I've been practicing my ass off
I've been training my whole life for this moment I swear to you
Culminating just to be this well-versed leader before you
How to lie to yourself and thereby to everyone else
How to keep smiling when you're thinking of killing yourself
How to numb a la holic to avoid going within
How to stay stuck in blue by blaming them for everything
- 2015-04-20 8:42am, first draft published
Hopefully this explains what I'm "trying" to do. I can point out on More than two hands how many people this has worked with in a single week. It might even work with my dad. I might have the right words now.
I am ready to work and have no income yet. After the crappy night I had last night, I find myself using the word "try" again though, against my Will, and it's a bit disheartening for now.
Disclaimer: I believe I have what *could* be our first message to convey to our extended family, being everyone on our planet, a new method working toward unity. It is written specifically the way it was, including any initial seemingly off-putting "rhetoric", because it reveals by process how I personally teach myself, in this case specifically software development... applied to English instead of PHP or JavaScript. However, I will point out that this works in person WAY faster, ha.
We all have lost our connectedness. Lack of communication is the dominant source of most problems, nearly every time. Assumptions, silence, lies, &c. I know you guys know now where I'm going with this. See you all at "Our Day of Family Pride, October Fifth, at Rainbow Lagoon Park, in the City of Angels". This may prove to be more significant than it seems, so let us find out! Plus compare that to "PPDLA2014". Which description sounds improved to be more inclusive and tell Our own Story? It is all in the words that we choose for ourselves and others.
Has anyone considered collaboratively improving the bible until all the lies, control, and guilt are eliminated and Jesus' message is conveyed precisely as intended, no interpretation needed, in direct spite of Revelations telling you not to? I just did. How many denominations and bible versions are there? Do they know why? Has anyone shown them why they keep seeking an alternative "truth" when they think they already "know the truth"? I bet we can. I do not believe in "God", I believe in Gods And Goddesses And Us, and surprisingly even to my self, I might now believe Jesus was real, And he could technically come back figuratively through our teamwork, no "worship" Ever required. Maybe he was just a role played by someone else, Thor maybe who knows right? Have fun, and SHARE! <|:)
Some things for anyone to think about, not just me alone:
You do not see what you are expecting to find? This is because The Matrix Has You and maybe you did not see what is immediately in front of you. Do you trust me? Do You Believe We Can Improve The World Together yet? (Sometimes magick only *looks* like trickery to the distrustful. It is still magickal nevertheless, is it not? We even collectively modified the spelling of our word to convey a more accurate message. Panpipes Magickal Marketplace anyone? But why do we not trust each other or ourselves yet?)
The Matrix reference is metaphorical obviously dude, see the movie again And if you have not yet, whoa? Not "The One", not "The Chosen One", not "Jews are the Chosen Ones", not even "Those People". We Are the Chosen Ones. Do you believe in "Your Self" "And" "Us"? Please consider pondering what I am pondering, Bwain. Cheers, guys!
I might leave this be for now (plus the rhetoric Is a bit exhausting, ha). If you opened or comment this thread, please keep in contact with each other and me, and bookmark my sites if you're curious to see what we are capable of. Have an absolutely wonderful day!
Oh and Take Your Medicine And Share it with All (it Is Laughter, everyone!)
-Cole (yes, still very much the same person as my "given" name, but why not choose our own name when we are ready, instead of using the one someone *else* decided to label you?)
- 2014-10-01 9:11am, first draft published
Imagine now please if we all linked arms on the same sidewalk to angrily protest a wedding, with clear and preemptively-declared intent to be an event of love and blessings, of whose attendees included those people there, and we all repetitively and proudly bellowed "Hail Odin! Hail Odin!" for let's say an hour. REALLY COOL, HUH? Let us...
...NOT EVER do that. Odin, as representative of ohh so very much alive gods and goddesses, stands for something entirely different than what these representatives believe they are preaching to their illogically ill-perceived fellow humans, and has facilitated our access to every tool necessary, both internally and externally, to put an end to this enduring trend of hate once and for all. I tell you personally now, with your increased perception of this specific sentence, if you are of the path meant for this message, that he gifted my diverse and growing Family here this important notion that we, beyond definitively, were receptive of today. They are here with us and every one of us who needs their strength and honor by our side, and there will no longer be any need to defend our way of life EXPONENTIALLY SOON.
The kind beings, publicly attacked ahead of this camera lens, are my Family. NO one with such a miniscule mentality messes with my Family for much longer. Their deprecated way of disregard for an enlightened existence is long for this world.
Every single one of us "other people" from BEFORE Genesis -- yes we are those AND the snakes AND the devils AND the "anti-christs", all conveniently marginalized as the figurative "losers" in their own infernal little manipulative telephone-game books -- has persevered throughout ALL these millennia, and only now has finally been able to see what is painfully wrong with the foundational thought forced on all, by those out to destroy us, and the loving way the world could be, if we could find collective ways to free everyone else, of mundane mind and stifled spirit, from that which binds them.
The idea unrealized yet by dogmatic religions, seemingly too similar to be coincidence, and that were intentionally pitted against each other all along by those sly "patriarchs" who authored them, is that more of us are waking up and seeing for the very first time, but not merely with our eyes.
Our goddesses, gods, wights, fae, all non-corporeal entities are all spirits of our multiversal ancestors, plain as the words you are receiving now.
Observe please: Where has the World of Consumers been getting their energy for the last era spanning multiple centuries now? DEAD DUCKING THINGS. (Sure, ducking.) Where is OUR kind aspiring to gather from? The sun! The wind! The water! ...OFFERED FREELY BY OUR COHABITED HOME! Sound familiar yet?
The hippies, the pagans, the LGBTQ, the Elon Musks and Neil deGrasse Tysons of the world, LOTS of our kind regardless of our magnitude of influence, each have PARTS of the puzzle. I AM ABLE TO ASSEMBLE THAT PUZZLE. And so capable are EVERY last one the rest of us who deeply strive for an era of vital honesty, and see the finite end to the true tyrannical behavior that is swiftly and daftly eliminating any probability of sustaining the life remaining on our planet.
Science + math + the undeniable MAGICK of words + our newfound ability to filter this nonsensically nefarious noise for the controlling hate that it is = a brand new perspective, is it not? Do we make the bully vanish by ignoring them? No, that clearly has not worked, and it was never that simplistic. There is a reason bullies are that way, and it is because they do not yet realize what they were told to think actually IS incorrect. If you are told something is true enough times, and it is your sole option, what is your empty heart to follow to remove the hollow?
It will ALL be good soon, seriously though. I have full confidence it is OUR time again, and have received a countless amount of confirmations throughout this lifetime that EVERYTHING is going to be OKAY for us. You see, OUR deities do not want us AFRAID of the end of the world like Revelation opines, oh nonono... Our deities welcome Ragnarök so that ultimately, at this point, everyone can for once find the freedom to live in peace. If we let Earth be methodically murdered before our virtual and physical eyes, OUR GODS WOULD DIE TOO. Do *you* hear them yet?
Use ever vigilant attention on what you are being told to think. How did your over half-score years of schooling go? Were you told WHAT to KNOW, or were you taught HOW to THINK?
But also see optimism in all the blatant BENEFICIAL symbolism that is hidden all around us in plain sight by those who are ready to make that polar shift in the whole of humanity. We must connect these beings together with each other, and I BELIEVE I can do that now, can you?
A courageous, confident, and thoroughly brilliant & beautiful being named Ariadne Morningstar taught me a verse once (among numerous other things)...
"...the Earth, the Air, the Fire, the Water, return, return, return, return..."
I eagerly anticipate Antelope Valley Pagan Pride Day 2015, the glorious thirteenth annual, being the one hosted immediately ADJACENT to this type of sidewalk-staged event. They cannot see what we are doing from so far away, so we must SHOW them. I think we shall have more to say by then anyway, from within and without, using the magickal power of words, to show those people the ultimate inclusive way people like them, that *could* indeed opt to join us if convinced appropriately, would be welcomed into our Family as the newborns they would literally become.
- Cole
- 2014-09-28 4:20am, first draft published
Elon Musk:
Though I fully admit this is WAY better than when I worked a simple web development position in porn for a year but got laid off with four others (the pains of recent hires), I toil again sloughing through yet another unscoped client project to shuffle around and/or merge multiple Wordpress sites amongst servers and other things associated with that. Each time I've been doing this, I've taken thorough notes of everything I'm doing including all commands used so I can then:
- Average out how many multiple hours I spend on this type of mundane network admin task that keeps me from doing my dream: coding on what I want to code on
- Teach myself Python and automate this whole process, complete with conditional elements
- Charge clients the amount of time it took me before that now only takes me minutes with a script
Am I on the right track? Don't tell anyone.
- Cole
- 2014-09-24 5:30pm, first draft published
Disclaimer: I fully understand and respect as all should that every person (most assuredly including children, when they individually are ready and are well-informed), EVERY person has an absolute right to believe and worship in precisely the way that works best for them and is most familiar to them. As long as it doesn't involve harmful intent, it shouldn't matter at all.
As the increasing threat of dread is upon us while humanity causes, observes, and attempts to either ignore or mitigate the total destruction of EVERYTHING that sustains us without much regard to even our own endurance as a species, I'm starting to now have a tangible worry for those who are willing to limit their selves and their experiences in this lifetime with the disreputable promise of a "heaven" or a "hell" after death.
...oh and believe me, it's a WAY BIGGER worry for you than your worry that I might go to your "hell".
I've recently had a gradual existential awakening (that I asked for, amazingly) to such wondrous things that multiple planes of life entail, and as a VERY small percentage of the population can tell you, if you're a follower of a monotheistic, male "God" you MOST DEFINITELY have it all wrong about how everything other than the physical life works. Time, space, "esoteric" things, everything. Also amazingly, MOST non-Christian supernaturally-inspired television shows and movies have parts of everything RIGHT (to certain extents that they can). I do plan to make a list sometime, it's really that intense.
What I think concerns me most about people who believe in any of the Semitic religions is the unwillingness for the individual self to deeply question that which was taught about these religions AND consider the very real notion that it might ALL POSSIBLY BE WRONG for VERY BAD REASONS.
Seriously, PLEASE think about these things in deep thought regarding your religion:
- Its true necessity
- Where did the words of the Bible and preachers really come from?
- What do they really say overall (think about how many harmfully limiting, inequality-driving stories and phrases, at LEAST)
- By whose authority is all of this deemed correct?
- WHY do YOU believe what you were taught is fact?
- Why are you pressured to "save" others even if they don't want to be?
- The way it limits your growth as a human
- Disallowed to question teachings
- Disallowed to "know too much"
- Avoiding living your life to the harmless fullest due to unfairly imposed "rules" from a book wrought with inconsistencies for promise of a "perfect" afterlife
- Racism and most prejudices are fueled by the teachings of YOUR religion
The very thing that makes me at ease and excited about life (and eventual physical death) is knowing that there IS MORE. There's a REASON all of us are here, and we're all being told we're worthless, born with sin, have to be saved, must confess and repent in a specific way, must worship who we're told, and are still overall unworthy of the love of a sole male deity in the sky (or everywhere or whatever) who's...
- Always watching you, but not
- Is all powerful, but isn't
- Knows everything, but doesn't
Please read this carefully before labeling me: I am NOT an atheist. I am NOT anti-religion. Contrariwise, I believe and recognize gods, goddesses, spirits, EVERYTHING. I have SEEN it and LIVED it. I KNOW it's all there. There is life in everything, completely. ...until there isn't. And our planet is dying. Don't chase the dangling carrot anymore, and genuinely ASK A PAGAN (not a psychic, and not a beginner) to explain things to you. Go to an event with an open mind eager to learn as you were when you first successfully learned to read. Find the right person to talk to, you'll know. Ask ME even, I'll share my discoveries with you and we can learn together! Pay attention to signs. Absolutely NOTHING is purely black and white. It's not "God" and "the Devil" guys, PLEASE figure that out before it's too late. Dude, it's spirits, fairies, DEMONS, fields, portals, even fucking VAMPIRES of the energy kind. It's not fate OR destiny OR free will OR chaos OR karma OR whatever... it's ALL of them.
Here's the big kicker:
- I am NOT afraid to be WRONG and have vocally expressed such. Are YOU?
- I am NOT afraid of going to a place of eternal damnation after I die. Have you ever reconsidered whether you WANT to go to a place of eternal bliss and the repercussions of such a thing?
- You cannot prove your God exists AND is the only one out there. Period. I challenge you to do so. I have SO many things I CAN prove with explanation or in some cases personal evidence, mightily enlightening things, and SO MANY of those things do NOT jive with the teachings of your God, Jesus, or Bible. I don't deny if you've felt something ever in your life then it DEFINITELY was something, but it's not as simple as you think it is by far.
Finally, I'll start this new list off with two items. "Important advisory items humans must know and practice":
- DON'T WASTE TIME. Our perception of reality is solely ours to command and control so it's time we manifest our own will instead of always conceding to the will of others. It's our subconscious connection to the universe and all the aspects that govern it that keep us where we belong or need to be without colliding with everyone else, spirits, nature and all.
- Don't let others label you, and only label yourself if you choose too. Otherwise tell them to go get fucked. You don't deserve to be constricted by others regarding your identity.
- Cole
- 2014-08-28 5:15pm, first draft published
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